Sunday, 1 August 2010

Hello and Welcome!

As I am working hard on a new website set to be launched in October, as well as a retail store I thought I had better start a blog.

My aim is to do an update at least every 3 days...I'll try my best.

Some of you may be thinking why open a Scrapbook store in Geraldton as we already have 1. To be honest that did hold me back for a while, but I feel the demand is there. Tania does a fantastic job, but there are so many brands and products out there now that it is hard for 1 store to stock everything. And Geraldton is growing quite quickly.

My main focus will still be KaiserCraft, but there will be other products as well. There will undoubtedly be some products which both stores will have (inks, albums, adhesives etc), but I am sure there will be many products which will only be found at either 1 or the other.

We will be continuing the classes we have been holding (Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursdays) and we may add to them if the demand is there.

I'll keep you updated and post some photos of our store as we fix it up inside.

Hope you all have a great week!


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