Wednesday, 22 December 2010

Merry Christmas!

I know I have been pretty slack with the blogging, but life got in the way :)

End of the year brings along extra busy days in the shop, end of year concerts, school parties, Day Care parties, work parties etc etc

School holidays are here, which means I don't have to be out the door quite as early in the morning but I now do have a 6 year old shop assistant :). She loves it in the shop and if you come in, she is sure to show you all the new products and even demo some tools.  She will make the perfect assistant when she is older.

The days have been getting warmer, or is it only because I spend the whole day in a nice cool shop that I get hit by the heat all the harder when leaving in the afternoon? (yes, we are now fully air conditioned!)

Anyway, enough idle chit chat - given a chance I could talk all day! (maybe why I love it in the shop so much?)

We have lots, and I mean lots planned for 2011....

Open Day

To start off with we are holding an Open Day on Tuesday 28th December from 10am till 1pm. Come in and try out some tools, have some morning tea and create 3 cards for free. There will also be a sale, so come in and spend those gift vouchers a number of you will be lucky enough to receive.

On Tuesday, we will also have most of the Term 1 classes on display as well as all the kids classes for January. Making it easier for you when booking classes.

Introducing the Passport to Scrappiness.

From next week the New Passport to Scrappiness will be available for purchase. (At the moment there is only a junior version, but the adult version will be available in the coming weeks.) What is it? I hear you ask...Kids will receive a stamp for every class attended, and for skills learnt to earn certificates and free gifts. More details at our open day.

Cricut Club

Our Cricut Club will be up and running from 5th January. Its costs $50 per year to become a member, but as a member you can can borrow from our Cricut Library as many times as you like through out the year. You will also receive special Cricut discounts and challenges.

Monthly Challenge

Starting in January, and then every 1st Tuesday of the month, we will have a new Scrap Challenge and a Card Challenge. Scrap Challenge Kits will cost $15 with over $20 worth of products in the kit, and the Card Challenge will cost $10 with over $13 worth of products inside. all challenge entries will be due by the 25th of every month, and voting will take place between the 25th and 1st Tuesday of the month. Prizes will vary monthly and be anounced at the same time kits become available.


Sorry but our website is out of date, there are approx. 400 products which I haven't had a chance to load up yet, but this will updated over the Christmas break. And as we now have internet in store it will be continually updated as new products come in. (that's the plan anyway :) )

Kid's Summer Classes

All classes held over the summer include either morning or afternoon tea. Schedule is available in store. Places have been filling, so please e-mail me or call in if you would like your son / daughter to do any. Prices start from $10. All layout classes have a boy option and a girl option.

Christmas Opening Hours

Tuesday 28th December: 10.00 am  - 1.00pm
Wednesday 29th December 10.00 am - 2.00pm
Thursday 30th December 10.00 am - 2.00pm
Friday 31st December 10.00 am - 12.00pm
Saturday 1st January - Closed
Sunday 2nd January - closed
Monday 3rd January - Closed
Tuesday 4th January - 10.00 - 1.00pm
Wednesday 5th January open as normal

As its school holidays, and I have 3 small kids (1, 3 and 6 years old) in January for 3 Tuesdays I will be open only from 10.00 - 1pm to give me some time to take them to the beach etc as my husband works away a lot of the time and I want to give them a bit of a holiday. Thank you for your understanding.The website will be open 24/7 though, and I can deliver orders on Mondays and Tuesday afternoons.

Finally I would like to thank everyone for making the first 3 months of our shop being open a fabulous 3 months. I couldn't have done it without you! I have met some wonderful people. I would also like to wish everyone a fantastic Christmas and a Fabulous New Year.

Take Care

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