Wednesday, 7 December 2011

Sitting here in my office....

listening to the constant chatter happening in the classroom. Wonder how much work is being done? Might have to sneak out and take a couple of photos.

On the first Wednesday night of every month a group of ladies have booked out our classroom for their Card Club. They welcome any new people who would like to join in. It costs $20 and you receive a paper pad of your choice, 10 x A5 card, a sheet of card sketches and the use of all equipment in the shop. They bring food and drink and have a great time.

Would you like to do something similar with a group of your friends? Come in to the shop and let me know and we can schedule in a day that suits you every month. The class room is for hire even for a one of event.

Better get back to my invoicing....

Hope you have a great week!

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