Wednesday, 26 September 2012

Holiday Fun!

Wow! I can't believe its end of term already! Our term classes are ending but we have some awesome classes planned for the holidays!

Here is the schedule:

Wednesday 3rd October - 10.30 - 12.00pm / $12.50
Small Canvas with Owl

Come and make this cute little owl to either hang on your door or in your bedroom.
We will be painting so please wear old clothes!

Wednesday 3rd October - 2.00 - 4.00pm / $25.00
Silhouette Frame

The wood meaasures 12x12", and you can choose from 8 different designs! We will be painting and decorating the wood in your favourite colour - and you can choose paper to match from the shop.

Thursday 4th October - 2.00 - 4.00pm /$25.00
Tea for 2 Canvas

Enter the world of Mixed Media! You will learn to layer, paint, stamp and create a great background. If you have a heat gun please bring it along.
This class is best suited for year 4 upwards unless you have an adult (or older brother/sister) to help you.

Friday 5th October - 2.00 - 3.30pm / $25.00
Dress Forms

Create 2 Dress Forms. (Above image is just an example). We have a selection of kits / papers to choose from. When booking please let me know if you would like to make the base white as I will spray paint it for you before the class. Any other colour can be painted on the day.


Please ring me on 0408 913684 / or come in store to book in for any of these classes.

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